FMRC has participated in the National BioResource Project (NBRP), Core Facilities Upgrading Program since FY2022.

As a core facility of mushroom resources in NBRP, FMRC will collect, store, and provide mushroom strains and improve the environment and information for the wider use of our strain resources.

In addition, we aim to improve the convenience of users through performing proactive outreach activities, collecting genomic information to add the value of strains and holding workshops on the safe and long-term preservation methods of mushroom strains.

About TUFC collection

FMRC assigns TUFC numbers to mushroom strains collected during the center's past research and educational activities and to the strains deposited from researchers outside of FMRC. Mushroom specimens (dried specimens) that serve as vouchers of the strain's isolation source are stored in the center's herbarium with assigned TUMH numbers.

The TUFC collection is mainly composed of wood-rotting domestic wild mushroom strains, such as Corticiaceae, Polyporaceae, and Auriculariaceae; however, we also have a large collection of mycorrhizal mushroom strains of Agaricaceae, such as matsutake mushroom. TUFC is the largest collection of mushroom strains in Japan, consisting of strains with detailed information of the strains such as collection date and identification person, etc.

To let the TUFC strains be widely utilized for research, education, and industry, the strains whose quality control has been completed are publicly opened to be available and provided for a fee. The distributed strains can be used for academic research and basic research for R & D.

The number of available strains

2023. Mar.

  Basidiomycota Ascomycota Others Total
FY2022 1,930 88 2,023
Cumulative total 1,930 88 2,023

The number of distributed strains (The number of orders)

2023. Mar.

  Inside of Tottori Univ. Outside of Tottori Univ. Total
FY2022 41(19) 167(17) 207(36)

The major aim of the National BioResource Project (NBRP) is to collect, preserve, and provide bio-resources (strains, populations, tissues, cells, genes of animals, plants and microorganisms, and information on these materials for R&D use) that are essential experimental materials for life science research. To be able to meet current scientific needs, the project also aims to increase the usefulness of these bio-resources via the addition of genome information and development of fundamental technologies for preservation and other necessary procedures.